Advice for High Schoolers From a Graduating Senior
June 4, 2019
As the school year comes to an end, it’s time to reflect upon the last four years. With a bunch of reflecting, we tend to remember more things that we wish we did differently. As a senior, here is some advice for the incoming classes.
To freshmen: Don’t be scared coming into high school. As scary as it may seem to be an underclassmen, don’t be intimidated by the upperclassmen. Many upperclassmen will take the time to help you out if you’re struggling. Another tip is to plan ahead. When you plan ahead, you become more organized. Get to know your classmates. Don’t wait until your last few weeks of your senior year to talk to someone new in your class. They may become your new best friend. Don’t be scared to join new clubs and sports. This may help with developing new friends that you can study, practice, and hang out with. Lastly, PLEASE DON’T RUN IN THE HALLS! It causes classmates to get upset when you run in the halls because there is plenty of time to get where we’re going.
To sophomores: It’s understood how many tests you are taking this year, and yes it’s not exciting, just please take them seriously. Also, don’t get offended if you’re not on court. Being on court isn’t a competition. This year you should start to focus on the classes you take and your future. Try to start taking more advanced classes to get a head start. This is the time when you can get your permit to start driving. Taking the bus everyday isn’t anyones’ cup of tea.
To juniors: Congrats! You are now an upperclassman! Start looking into colleges; there are a lot more than you think. Be cautious of your actions, but take advantage of your opportunities like powderpuff and prom. Remember that powderpuff is just for fun. It is not a state championship. These can be the best or worst times of high school; it just depends on what you decide to do. The ACT, SAT, and scholarships should be your number one priority. Good grades are really important this year. Colleges look for a good junior and senior year. Learn to balance your time between friends, family, and homework. Don’t develop bad habits like procrastination or not doing homework; it’ll only hurt you in the end. Lastly, enjoy it, soon it’ll all be over.
To seniors: You did it! The most important thing to stress is stay on track to graduate. Don’t slack off and have to take summer school. Try to battle senioritis; it’s not an easy thing. Focus on the good times and not the bad times. Stay out of “drama.” Take advantage of the the opportunities you’re offered. Enjoy all your lasts! Also, remember it doesn’t hit you until the end. Remember to have fun and cherish the memories.
Dear class of 2019: Congratulations! We did it! In a few short months, we will all be going our separate ways to college. All the friends you had in high school might not be the same friends you keep. Stay involved in school activities. Make new friends, so college isn’t so foreign. Do your homework and don’t skip classes; it’ll help you in the long run. Stay on track for graduation. These next four years will help mold you into who you are as a person. Most importantly, enjoy it! Have the best time you can! Someday you will look back upon these past 12 years and hopefully you have made the most of it. Good luck to everyone.