Boys Tennis Starts Season

Connor Crafton and Reporter

On Tuesday, August 27th, the Boys’ Tennis team started its season in full swing with its first game at home against East Chicago. The team started out this season with a 3 – 1 (#3 singles was forfeited due to lack of players on both side) victory against EC, with the one loss coming down to a tense 7 – 10 tie-breaker.

The team featured Tyler Smith and Charles Murphy at #1 and #2 singles respectively, Paulo Chur and Harry Pala at #1 doubles, and Danny Sheffield and Connor Crafton at #2 doubles. All members, except for rookie Connor Crafton, are returning for a second, third, or even fourth season. The boy’s tennis team practiced for their season beginning in the summer, and have been excited to start out with a win.

“It was good to start the season strong,” said Tyler Smith, team captain, “We play some tough teams, so it’s good to have an early lead.”

The boys on the team often have to juggle their other extracurricular during the season, making their first game win very well deserved. Whether it’s drama, band, student council, or anything else on their agenda, tennis seemed to have came first when regarding the first game of the season.

However, the boys know that the most important part of this sport is the fun and brotherhood between all of them.

“Even if we did lose,” said sophomore Danny Sheffield, “I know that I’m just there to play a good sport with some good people.”