GHS Celebrates Homecoming Traditions Amidst a Pandemic
November 5, 2020
Homecoming week is often a time students of all ages look forward to at the beginning of the school year. The week is full of traditions, celebration, and excitement. Every year Griffith High School does many things to ensure that homecoming week is a successful one. From events planned for Friday nights football game to weekly activities, it’s a very busy week for all involved.
This year‘s homecoming was a little different. With a worldwide pandemic that affected our country greatly, many students chose to be part of the school district virtually. Along with the rules regarding in-person learners and everyone who visits the campus, Griffith High School enforced mask requirements and highly encouraged social distancing. Students such as senior Ladurian Hawthorne, had to experience the school-day homecoming antics, such as spirit week, from home.
“It wasn’t the most ideal situation because I had no intentions on being virtual. I was kind of bummed that I wasn’t able to do spirit week because I really wanted to do a senior gender swap,” said Ladurian Hawthorne.
One thing that managed to not change because of the pandemic was our annual spirit week. This is a time where students dress up in the corresponding themes to show their school spirit and to enjoy their homecoming week. This year seniors had their own spirit week. Students such as senior Stephanie Ritz, really enjoyed spirit week.
“It was great because most people still participated even given the circumstances of this year! We still tried our best to make sure everyone was in the spirit,” said Ritz.
Another tradition is the annual homecoming parade, but due to this year’s COVID-19 guidelines, the student council came up with an alternate plan. The fence around the football field was decorated with this years theme, We Got the Beat! Carrying on the tradition of the annual homecoming class competition, although with a new creative idea, the students of GHS brought homecoming spirit.
The most known tradition of all, the homecoming football game, still managed to happen successfully. Homecoming and senior night we’re on the same night, which made room for an even more happy celebration. Homecoming and senior night traditions such as homecoming court, walking the track, halftime performances, and the student section, all occurred, which was exciting for all Griffith High School students. Many students, such as sophomore Nathan Pinkleton, attended to cheer on the football team and to make 2020 memories with his friends.
“My favorite part of the football game was seeing the seniors walk out. It was only an okay time because I was with friends and had donuts, otherwise it was rough because of how cold it was,” said Pinkleton.
Jonathan Baxter and Alana Flores were crowned Homecoming King and Queen of 2020, continuing the traditions and carrying on the spirit of GHS.