Lady Panthers Take a Win on Their Senior Night

Desirae Gonzalez

On Wednesday, September 22nd, The Lady Panthers took on the Marquette Blazers for their senior night. They won 7-0 with goals by Senior Kylie Bell, Senior Katlyn Noojin, Senior Abby Prunty, sophomore Kayla Doctor, and sophomore Brianna Lopez. Doctor’s first goal was a shot to the left corner. Doctor’s second goal was assisted by Prunty with shot to the lower left corner. Noojin through ball was assisted by Bell with a shot to the lower right hand corner. Lopez’s goal was assisted by Prunty with a shot through a cross to the right corner. Bell’s goal was assisted by Noojin with a pass through the keepers hands. Bell’s second goal was a fast break with a shot to the right corner. Prunty’s goal was a shot from the top of the box with a goal to the upper right hand corner. The Marquette goalie had a total of 23 saves throughout the entire game. The Lady Panthers were able to shut out the Marquette Blazers for their last home game on senior night. Honored on senior night was Kylie Bell, Katlyn Noojin, Kya Osborn, Abby Prunty, Emma Jacobs, Allison Chacon, and Emily Vasilak.