Winter Sports Celebrate Senior Night
Senior Night for Boys Basketball, Cheer, Pantherettes, and Bowling took place on February 17th. It started at 6:30 pm with the announcement of all the seniors. The seniors were acknowledged and the night was memorable because so many students were there celebrating.
For basketball, Ahmad Abu-zir, Alex Cioroianu, Jeremy Dickson, AJ Ladendorf, Cameron Montgomery, and Devon Carter were recognized. Ahmad Abu-Zir said, “I just want to thank all our supporters because without them we wouldn’t have gotten to this point.”
For Pantherettes, Grace Wolven, Madison Worosz, Bella Andriessen, Alison Haley, and Liliana Heneghan were recognized. Grace Wolven said, “During senior night, I was just trying to take it all in because it still doesn’t register that I’ve been a Pantherettes for 4 years now. I am so thankful for all the girls on my team because they are so supportive and kind. I couldn’t ask for a better senior year.”
Bowling participants Allyson Lawson, Christian Garcia, and Kenneth Booker were the seniors recognized on the bowling team. Allyson Lawson said, “I’m going to miss the sportsmanship with my team and my coaches because they always believed in me.”
Cheerleaders Amaya Hatch, Leila Vallandigham, Dezire Arrington, Ava Moore, and Alex Strauch were recognized. Amaya Hatch said, “Senior night was so fun but also sad at the same time. We did things this year that I haven’t seen happen at Griffith, things like an 8 count of dance with a teacher or admin and a senior year solo. I had so much fun this night and I’m glad I got to spend it with some of my favorite people.”
After each Senior was recognized, the Griffith vs. North Newton basketball game began. The game was back and forth the entire time and both teams competed until the very end. The game ended with Griffith falling to North Newton with a score of 43-35. Good job to our boy’s basketball team for playing a great game and congratulations to all of the seniors recognized on this night!

Nina Zielke is a senior and this is her first year writing for Panther Press. She will mostly be writing about local events in school, as well as local...