Middle Schoolers Kick Around at MS Futsal Tournament
On Saturday, March 31st 2023, Griffith High School hosted a Middle School Futsal Tournament. There were 3 teams that participated in the tournament. The winners were Jason Keck, Diego Moyo, Adam Cano, Ethan Hernandez, Cadden Howard, Colton Morales, and Jovanhi Nava. After the first place match, the winning team faced both Boys’ Griffith Soccer Coach’s Joshua Bertossi and Jordan Sparks. Bertossi and Sparks were joined by one of the Girl’s Soccer Coach’s Mitch Prunty, Ari Cano, and Frank Nava who are both Fathers’ of two of the athletes. Congratulations to the Middle School winners and everyone who participated in this fun event! Make Sure to come out this Saturday for the High School Futsol Tournament which will be happening on Saturday at 10:00 A.M!

This is Ryan Rose and this is his 2nd year in Panther Press. He participates in football, wrestling, and track and field. In his free time, his favorite...