Senior Week: Seniors Wrap up the Year at Senior Banquet

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Tuesday May 16, Griffith High School’s seniors came together at the Halls of Saint George for the annual Senior Banquet. Seniors were invited to the hall for an celebratory dinner to commemorate their high school careers.

The dinner included the announcement of the student-voted Senior Superlatives. Every superlative has a male and female recipient. Some of the superlatives included best smile, most likely to succeed, Mr. and Ms. GHS, and cutest couple.

“I thought my superlative was very accurate because I fly planes, I was extremely happy with it,” said Lily Wroblewski, the female recipient of the “Most Likely to Travel the World” superlative.

Nathan Pinkleton and Bella Andriessen were the recipients of the “Best Hair” superlatives.

“Nathan was the obvious and only choice for male ‘Best Hair,’ if he didn’t win I would’ve demanded a recount,” said Andriessen.

“Bella winning was well deserved and you could definitely tell at the banquet because her hair was looking shiny and perfectly curled,” said Pinkleton.

The banquet concluded with everyone taking pictures with their awards and their friends, celebrating a wonderful achievement as they finish high school.