Here at the G, an assortment of different sports are offered to students. Ranging from football to competitive dance, Griffith Jr./Sr. High provides a lot to keep students occupied after a hard day of learning. Although some sports may have a better turn-out than others, the Panther Press staff surveyed some of the students and staff members, asking what sport they think might be the most popular at Griffith High School. They chose from a selection that included football, basketball, soccer, volleyball, and more. The votes are very clear on which sport takes the trophy. Along with great feedback, football is the winner, taking 68% of the poll! Some students said that because the sport is loved nationwide, it is so popular, along with football being the only sport at the G that has pep rallies for traditional and formal events like the Battle of the Bike Trails and homecoming being common reasons as well. The second most popular sport is basketball. Baseball and track and field tied for third place, with positive feedback from students as well. Now, the most popular sport among the teachers and staff members is football as well with some of their reasons being they attend the Friday night games and how excited the students are during the school day in preparation for the big game.
Even though football takes the cake, students should always find a way to keep themselves occupied after school. Sports can leave an influential impact on a student and can teach them skills students will use for the rest of their lives. So, the next time you hear over the morning announcements that sports like baseball, tennis, or volleyball are having a call-out meeting, don’t be afraid to stop by and see what they have to offer. If sports aren’t really your style, you can go and show your school spirit at the games and meets! It’s always a good feeling for a player when they know their school is there to cheer them on and show their support.