Last week during the 26th was Turnabout. Leading up to this week is full of chaos: parents going to buy their children’s dresses or suits, and students working up the courage to ask their peers to the dance. Shy kids ask their parents to teach them how to dance. Lots of stuff going on. Plus, students still have to finish all their schoolwork before the weekend. But guess what? Not only do they have to get their classwork done, but some teachers also give homework on this super important weekend. But not to fear, they give us school on Friday, the day of the dance. So, for all the guys, this means we are getting our work done because it only takes us 30 minutes max to get ready. As for the girls, I have no idea because I’m not a girl.
In the final moments before it starts, you walk into the dance and immediately see all the faces of the school’s staff. At first, you may feel nervous, but then you feel a sense of relief. All the staff and police officers there make you feel safe. After you check in with your ticket, you are told to vote for Prince and Princess. Now, this is the moment when friendships are broken. Let me tell you, if you ever have two or three friends on court, how would you vote against one of them? I don’t know; I tried, but the feeling of betrayal doesn’t sit right with me. So, guess who I picked? Just kidding, I’m not telling. But as you get through the first couple of songs, and everyone is out on the dance floor, they pause us for a minute to finally announce who won. The announcer stops the music and says, “Now your 2023/2024 Turnabout Prince and Princess is Ricky Guajardo and Janae Nolan. The crowd burst with cheers and screams. The former winners from last Turnabout (Bella Zielke and Nolan Davenport) come and crown the new winners. To celebrate their victory, they slowly dance in front of the crowd, and a little bit later, the rest join them on the stage. Overall, the night is full of joy and excitement. them on the stage. Overall, the night is full of joy and excitement. Girls are happy they looked beautiful, guys are shocked they got the girl way out of their league, and the parents are happy they finally have a nice, quiet house. If you ask me, it’s a win for everyone.
If you ask me, it’s a win for everyone.