Is Long Distance Worth the Wait?

Skye Isenblatter, Reporter

   Have you ever heard the saying “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”? That is a saying couples who are in long distance relationships have to think of to reassure themselves when they’re far apart. For many, long distance relationships are a deal breaker. In high school, it is common for many students to date students a few years younger or older than them. When the time comes that one must graduate and go off to college, many students fear the long distance relationship and decide it won’t work before trying. After all, that is why many high school relationships do not last through adulthood. However, with some extra dedication from both partners, it can work out.

   In order to maintain a long distance relationship, both people must want to make it work. Without commitment, the relationship is bound to be short-lived. In a relationship, everyone will have their ups and downs. Everyone has their moments in a relationship where they will argue and disagree, but the strongest relationships talk out the disagreements and get through those fights. Some agree to disagree because they know they’ll never have the same opinion. That’s what makes the relationship strong. It is accepting each other’s point of views while still being confident about your own. 

   Another thing that’s important to ensure that a long distance relationship lasts is trust. Being apart, you have to be able to trust that they’ll be honest with you. After all, trust is known as one of the most important things in a relationship, even for normal relationships. 

   There are also little things a person can do to make their partner feel special from far away. For example, there is an app called “Couple” that allows people to express themselves with videos, pictures, and stickers. Everything will be saved to look back on when they miss each other. There are also things such as lamps that light up when the other person touches it. This is a way for couples to show each other that they’re thinking about them. 

   Being long distance also allows opportunities for surprises. One of the partners can plan to visit without the other person knowing. Because they don’t see each other often, the person being surprised will be excited and happy. Being apart makes the time together feel more special. When it comes time to part again, the memories of thoughtful surprises can be remembered to make the time apart easier. 

   Long distance relationships also give the couples more things to talk about. When people are together all day, they know how their day went because they experienced it with them. However, when a couple spends the day doing their own things and being independent, they have the opportunity to talk and listen about what went on throughout the day. Not only that, both partners would pay more attention to the other because they would genuinely want to know. 

   Sophomore Katie Bilka is in a relationship with a student from another school. “It’s hard because we both live in different towns and neither of us have our license yet, so it’s hard to make plans to see each other. In the meantime, we do daily phone calls and text frequently to try to make up for not seeing each other face to face,” said Bilka. 

   Lastly, long distance relationships also make the future more realistic. Both people know what they want and can base their future off of that. Being apart, both people are both independent on their own. Therefore, neither of them would be giving up their dreams to satisfy the other because they know that they can live happily without them there everyday. 

   Looking at the bright side, long distance relationships are what people choose to make it. Without effort, it’s not gonna seem beneficial. All that can be done is focusing on what you want and looking at it positively.