“Falling in Love” at Tournabout
Sophomores Nate Ward and Anna Guistolisi dance to “Versace On The Floor” after being crowned Tournabout 2019 King and Queen.
February 8, 2019
On Friday, January 25, the Patrician Banquet Center hosted GHS’ annual Turnabout dance in Shererville. Doors opened at 6:00 p.m., but the dance actually began at 7:00. Throughout the night, people danced to The Music Boyz’s tracks, posed for professional photos with Image Perfect Photography, and enjoyed finger foods provided by the banquet hall.
The Sophomore Class Council started planning Turnabout in November 2018 before Thanksgiving break and chose “Falling in Love” as the theme and with colors of champagne and wine to accompany. To choose the theme, class council wrote slow songs on a white board and crossed off the least favorite songs, until it came to choosing “Falling in Love with You”. Planning Turnabout for 2019 took at least three meetings, which were about 35 minutes long each.
“It took a lot of thought when we chose the theme song because we wanted it to be appropriate, but a good song at the same time,” sophomore Morgan Schoon said. “But choosing the playlist songs was very difficult.”
Class council took today’s popular songs and added them into a playlist for the DJ to play. They looked through other dance playlists that were already made throughout the years and combined some songs into the Turnabout 2019 song playlist. The DJ, The Music Boyz, played some songs off the made playlist and added their own songs into the mix.
When it started getting darker outside and students were jumping around and singing to the played songs, the DJ called for everyone to clear the floor for the Turnabout King and Queen vote. Sophomore LaDurian Hawthorne was accompanied by sophomore Morgan Schaap,sophomore Chad Muller accompanied by sophomore Chloe Williams, sophomore Ryan Engle was accompanied by Rylee Reitz, sophomore Noel Cavillo accompanied by sophomore Anna Guistolisi, and sophomore Nathan Ward accompanied by sophomore Heaven Zavala. Last year’s king and queen, junior Jason Miller and junior Jenna Dye, handed over the crowns to the 2019 Turnabout King and Queen: Anna Guistolisi and Nathan Ward. They celebrated by dancing to “Versace on the Floor” by Bruno Mars.