High School Students Playing On Their Own Time

Blackcats Lets Students Play in a Pressure-Free Environment

Cody Wilkins, Reporter

Blackcats originated for the purpose of allowing high school students to play basketball from their freshmen year until their senior year. This year, there are six different teams with a variety of freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior students on each team. Each team consists of five to nine students. The games usually last about an hour with four, six minute quarters. If the game is still tied when the timer goes off, they go into overtime which is another quarter which is six minutes. The games are played on Sunday in the GHS main gym starting at noon and end around 5:00 pm. The cost to play, Blackcats is $70 and students practice once a week.

Anyone is allowed to play Blackcats even if the students don’t go to Griffith. Students are only eligible to play if they’re not on a high school team. There is a $70 fee to participate. As long as people are 18 or over, they’re eligible to coach a team for Blackcats as well.

“It’s a lot of fun playing with and against my friends. My team looks pretty good so far and hopefully we’re able to win these next few games,” said junior A.J. Lair.

When students play high school Blackcats, they notice that the competition is more challenging, and the contact is more aggressive and physical because they’re older.

“High school Blackcats is very different than my last years playing Blackcats, because I’m playing with students older than me. It’s a lot more aggressive, but I’m able to keep up with everyone,” said freshman Omar Mehison.

With the season ongoing, the white, purple, and grey teams are tied for first with a record of (4-1), while the green team is in second with a record of (2-3), followed by the black team with a record of (1-3), and then the yellow team in last place with a record of (0-4).

“It’s sad knowing it is my last year, but my team is good and it’s fun playing together. We are looking to win the championship this year,” said senior Will Carroll.