SAD: What It Is, What To Do About It

Samantha Ruiz, Reporter

Every winter because of the lack of sunlight, there are cases of “seasonal depression”, a form of depression caused by changes in weather. How do you keep yourself mentally healthy while still getting everything accomplished on your to-do list? Here are six ways according to an article on American Psychology Today’s website.

1. Tell yourself something positive. Saying to yourself that you’re going to fail a test or that you’re never going to understand a certain concept in class is not healthy. Instead, try saying, “I’m going to speak up in class and ask for help,” or “I studied well; I’m going to pass this test.” These mantras will help you think about the scenario in a positive way instead of negatively, which would just put yourself and others around you in a bad mood.

2. Focus on one thing. Maybe you’re in sports or a club. You go to meetings, practices, or rehearsals, then come home and do hours of homework. Take it slow Keep a schedule to note what you’re going to do and when. Break the tasks down so you’re not trying to multi-task and get overwhelmed.

3. Go to bed on time. Many students get so much homework that they wake up feeling exhausted, and go to school and end up falling asleep in class, missing half of the important information that the teacher has talked about. Going to bed on time can help you feel alert and ready for the day.

4. Do not drink caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, so it’ll not only make you super thirsty, but it can also make you very jittery and unable to concentrate. If you don’t want to cut out caffeine entirely, but look up how much caffeine is appropriate for your age.

5. Exercise. Use your P.E. class to your advantage. Take a walk around Central Park, or get a YMCA membership, home workout can also be good. Doing something to keep yourself active will not only help your well being, but also your mentality as well.

6. Stay Connected. Hanging out with friends, going out to eat with family, playing with pets, etc. are all good ways to keep you socially in-touch. Putting down the phone and getting away from social media every once in a while is great because you’re not worried about what your friends are posting, who looks better in something than somebody else, or what the latest gossip is. Talk to family and friends. Keep yourself connected outside of social media.